Can I try a class before I register?
Absolutely! Just email and name which class you want to try and what dates you are considering! I will send you back a confirmation email with details about the class.
Can I bring a sibling along that is not an appropriate age for the class?
Most likely, yes! Just email and let me know the age and number of siblings so I can let you know if it will work out.
If I have multiple children that I would like to participate in class, do I need to register each of them separately?
The registration price includes up to two children!
Do I have to register and pay online only?
No! I am happy to make arrangements for you to register with me by email and pay by cash or check in person if that suits you.
Email me!
What are the expectations of my little one during class?
We are talking about children ages 0-5! Sometimes they will be engaged and sometimes not. That is OK! Sometimes they will fall asleep and sometimes you will have to feed them in the middle of class. That is also FINE! We are just looking to spend some time with others, have fun and learn something along the way!! Life is welcome to happen all around us. I would not have it any other way.